Sphere Drones’ can sample water from a drone

Sphere Drones’ can sample water from a drone

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Sphere Drones‘ has released its Water Sampler V2.0 water sampling solution after V1.0 was well received by Sydney Water. The Water Sampler can take water samples of up to 2 liters at a time from any commercial drone keeping people out of danger.

The Water Sampler allows for water samples to be taken via a drone allowing operators to stay far away from any dangers or areas that are inaccessible by people. The Water Sampler also allows for high accuracy, efficient and cost-effective samples to be collected almost anywhere.

A definitive move away from traditional water sampling techniques, Sphere Drones’ water sampling technology – via its Water Sampler V2.0 – is now allowing for the precision sourcing of water samples from unsafe, hostile and inaccessible human locations. The peristaltic pumps and water reservoir are integrated (as a payload) on the Matrice M600 ‘heavy-lifting’ drone. Flight and maneuvering are not impeded by the integrated pumping system and it easily operated by a single switch on the drone remote control. With built in GPS, water samples can be taken with remarkable accuracy from almost any location. This is a true innovation for those organisations that require water sampling as part of their operation. – Sphere Drones

Sphere Drones CEO Paris Cockinos showcases the new product in a short video putting it to work taking a water sample over a cliff from the ocean below. Showcasing a perfect use case of drones and the Water Sampler V2.0. Head over to the Sphere Drones website to learn more.

Sphere Drones has been running since 1954, then named Paris Radio Television and Paris Radio Technology. Who’s main goal was to help consumers and businesses understand new technologies and their related applications. Sphere Drones is now apart of the Sphere Group who also run Paris Radio, Catapult Co and soon to be released 3DHub.

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