DJI has announced its Mini to the Max event, ahead of the DJI Mini 4 Pro release. Mini to the Max will likely see the Mini 4 Pro being released, with the potential for two other products to be released in the following months.
DJI Mini 4 Pro is official! Find out more here
How does the Mini 4 Pro compare to the Air 3 and Mini 3 Pro?
What can we expect to see?
Looking at the teaser image released alongside the announcement of Mini to the Max event, we can be sure that the DJI Mini 4 Pro is going to be released on September 25th, less than a week away.
Check out what DJI is looking to release next – DJI Avinox
DJI Mini 4 Pro leaks and specs
As the DJI Mini 4 Pro’s release nears, leaks have surfaced the main features of the upcoming drone, suggesting it will be a substantial upgrade over the Mini 3 Pro, with omnidirectional obstacle sensing being a major new feature, along with 4k 100fps video, 48MP photos, 20km OcuSync range all while remaining under 250 grams.
Interested in how the Mini 4 Pro stacks up to the Mini 3 and Mini 3 Pro? Take a look at our comparison post breaking down the features side-by-side.